The Rise Of The Festive Payroll Temp

Do you need Temporary Staff this Christmas?

Christmas is a time of great excitement for both young and old, with people across the world searching for the perfect gift.

However, the festive season is more challenging for those who work in retail or hospitality.  With an incredible workload increase due to the drastic rise in demand, there is an added strain on workers.  As a result, these industries often require temporary staff to be recruited to ease the strain on their business.

So, what does this influx of temporary seasonal staff mean for the payroll industry?

Portfolio Payroll explores some of the key considerations:

Temporary Payroll Staff

Christmas is the ideal time to recruit a Payroll temp.  Hiring specialised Payroll temporary staff for a few months can help ease the pressure on the full time workers.

The recruitment of temporary staff is by no means limited to the payroll industry.  Many seasonal workers are employed by a variety of businesses in great numbers. These temporary staff may be paid differently to the regular staff, based on an hourly rate rather than a salary, and perhaps paid weekly rather than monthly. It is important that your payroll staff are fully aware of pay regulations relating to temporary workers and enable them to be paid correctly and on time.

Overtime and Bonuses

Many businesses will provide their staff with a Christmas bonus at this time of year.  It is the responsibility of the Payroll team to ensure that staff receive this bonus promptly and in full.

Payday Dates

In most cases, employees will receive their wages early in December.  The Payroll team will have to prepare for this to successfully bring forward the payment dates.

Contact Portfolio Payroll

Portfolio Payroll has a wealth of experience in payroll recruitment, providing businesses with the very best candidates all year round. Our specialist knowledge in the industry provides us with the perfect platform to advise your business on how to deal with the Christmas rush.  Contact us immediately so you know that the correct measures are in place before the festive madness really kicks off.

Find out about our ‘Remote Workers’ too who can start immediately to meet your business needs: Remote Workers 

To speak to one of our experts, email, call 020 7247 2882 or use our Vacancy Form. Whether seeking to recruit for Payroll jobs or fill a position yourself, the Portfolio Payroll team will almost certainly be able to assist

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