Payroll in UK is less complex than in other nations

Research by NGA Human Resources, a leading provider of global HR solutions, has revealed payroll in the UK to be one of the least complex payroll frameworks to administrate when compared to other countries across the globe.

It was also suggested that UK businesses need to have an intricate understanding of local payroll management and be cautious when expanding globally to ensure they meet with international regulations.

The NGA Global Payroll Complexity Index 2014 looks at workforce administration, payroll regulation and compliance requirements. It is based on the responses of 800 experts and ranks 35 countries based on the complexities of their payroll processes.

Western European payroll procedures most complex

The NGA confirms that in general, Western European nations have the most complex payroll processes, with the five most complex countries to run payroll being Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Australia.

Despite their continuing attempts to create a singular unified regulatory payroll framework, the member states are still not aligned when it comes to their payroll structures, which contributes to the growing complexities of their local processes.

The index says the opposite applies in Asia, where payroll is reported as being easier to manage, with the onus on creating simple processes in the hope of attracting foreign investment.

NGA Senior Vice President Michael Custers said “most organisations don’t see payroll as strategic” and that they lack understanding of payroll complexities, especially how it can help them in their globalisation efforts.

Recruitment with Portfolio Payroll

We can help find the best candidates for payroll positions such as payroll executive and payroll project manager, meaning your department is equipped to fully comply to any changing payroll regulation during expansion.

Portfolio Payroll has over 20 years experience in recruitment, contact us or call on 020 7247 9455 to speak to a member of our team.

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